10to8 utilises tags, that allow you to automatically include information relating to a booking in any SMS that is sent. This guide outlines these tags. 

This feature requires the Grow Plan or above.

For information on other types of tags, please see these guides:

Email Tags / SMS Tags / Voice Tags


How To Use Tags

To start editing these tags head to 'Configuration' > 'Messaging' > 'Customer Messaging' in your account. 

Next, select the SMS you wish to modify. You can also modify this for SMS Reminders:

select the message you wish to edit

Now use the available text box to modify your message contents. You can see a live preview of the changes you make next to the text box.

a preview of your changes can be seen to the right of the text editor.

Available Tags

  • {{datetime}} - The start date and time of the appointment
  • {{end_datetime}} - The time the appointment is due to end
  • {{event_name}} - The name of the service the booking is for
  • {{old_event_datetime}} - For rescheduled appointments, you can show the previous date and time of the appointment
  • {{organisation_short_name}} - The short name of your business. This can be adjusted under 'Configuration' > 'Messaging' > 'Extra SMS Settings'
  • {{organisation_number}} - The phone number of your business
  • {{organisation_email}} - Your businesses email address
  • {{staff_name}} - The name of the staff taking the appointment
  • {{recipient_name}} - The name of the customer on the appointment
  • {{location_address}} - The address at which the appointment takes place
  • {{actor_name}} - The name of an individual who made a change to the appointment (such as rescheduling the appointment)
  • {{outstanding_payment}} - Any outstanding payment owed for that appointment

For More Help

If you are in need of any help or have any suggestions for future tags, please click here to contact our Support team.