Satisfaction Survey

10to8 offers an option for you as a business to send out a Customer Satisfaction Survey two days after each appointment.


This option is turned on by default, but you can turn it off under 'Configuration' > 'Online Booking' > 'Booking Process'. You can also find the setting under 'Configuration' > 'Messaging' > 'Satisfaction Survey'.

The Survey The Customer Will Receive

With the option turned on, the customer will receive an email 2 days after the appointment with a link to the survey. Once the customer clicked on the link they will be presented with the following screen: 

What the client sees - Survey

The questions that are asked in the Satisfaction survey are:

  • 'How satisfied were you with our service'- out of 5
  • 'How likely are you to recommend us to a friend' - out of 5
  • 'Write us a review (optional)' - text box answer.

Once the customer has filled in the form 10to8 will send you an email with the result. If you would like to change the email address we send the results to, please contact us!

Showing Off Your Reviews!

10to8 offers a review badge that you can install on your website. To find the code for the badge and a preview, head over to 'Messaging' > 'Satisfaction Survey'.

10to8 review image

Choosing Which Staff Receives Satisfaction Survey Results

If you head to 'Configuration' > 'Messaging' > 'Satisfaction Survey' in your account, a drop-down menu will exist under the tickbox that lets you select which member of staff will receive the results of these surveys. You can only select a single member of staff to receive the survey results.