This feature requires the Enterprise Plan.

If you are interested in this feature then please contact us so that we can set up a call to walk you through the necessary steps for connecting your calendar sync to your 10to8 account. 



Firstly, you need to ensure that the staff member has system administrator permissions enabled on their staff profile in 10to8. Please see this guide on managing staff and the different permission levels that can be granted.

Please check to ensure that the email address on the staff profile page matches the email on the third party calendar provider. In the case of multiple email addresses 10to8 will use the first one that was created.

Google Calendar 

Please install the Cronofy application in G-suite. More detailed instructions can be found here. 

Office 365 and Exchange

Please create a service account with ApplicationImpersonation role. More details steps can be found here.

Setting Up Enterprise Connect Calendar Sync

Configuring your calendar sync is useful and simple. To get started please go to 'Integrations' > 'Calendar Sync'. Select the option to sync all calendars centrally and click 'Set Calendar Sync Authentication Mode'.

A screenshot of the calendar sync page with instructions.

Click 'Connect all staff records to external calendars' to authenticate all bookable staff centrally. 

A screenshot of the calendar sync page.

Choose Office 365, Exchange or Google Calendar, then provide details for authentication and all bookable staff calendars would be linked upon successful authentication.

How To Contact Support

If you are having any issues with this then please contact our Support team for assistance. For more information about how to contact Support please open this article.