Our new reporting tool allows you to include analytics about your organisation or organisations - even if you have more than one. These are provided in the form of graphs which show you a variety of information that is relevant to your business.

The ability to see this data in the form of charts and graphs is very useful for your business; by creating these reports it is easy to notice trends, patterns, and which areas need attention. Viewing this information means that you are able to set goals and track the progress of those goals.


How To Create The Graphs

To access this, please go to Reports & Exports > Export Events to run a report.

After choosing a name for your report, selecting the date range that you are interested in, and confirming which organisations you would like to include; please tick all of the boxes in the list Fields to include in the report underneath to ensure that the report is successful. For more information about running a report without analytics, please click here.

To create the graphs, in the section of Analytics to include in the export please select either: Waiting Times by Location and Service or DNAs by Location and Service. 

Where to find these options

Next, please click the Run this report button, which will start generating the report in the Downloads folder below. Here, you can see a progress bar that continues even if you leave the page. Once complete, the grey Download button will change to clickable and you are able to open and download the file.

A screenshot of the report running.

Once the report is opened, please use the tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet to explore the different pages containing data related to your organisation.

Directions for finding your graphs

Waiting Times By Location And Service

The charts in this report detail the time between a customer or patient making an appointment and how far away the appointment took place. This is particularly useful if you are working on reducing waiting times and are interested in seeing how far in advance your customers are making appointments. For example, if you are running a clinic and you want to be as efficient as possible, with your patients being able to book their appointments and to be seen within a few days, this information will be vital to tracking and managing capacity.

Please see the screenshots below for an example of each of the four graphs that are generated in the Waiting Times by Location and Service option of the report using your data. The different coloured lines in the graph show the location of the appointments, if your business has multiple locations you will see a wider variety of lines. 

This line graph shows the percentage of appointments that were made and how many days occurred before they were seen at your business. The data contained in this graph is all the data that was included in the report. For example, here you can see that approximately 20% of "Online/Phone" bookings were created the same day that they took place, and 50% of the other bookings that were not assigned to a location took place more than 28 days after they were booked. 

An example graph

This next line graph shows the same information: the number of days between when an appointment was made and when the appointment occurred, except the data contained in this graph, is from the most recent week that was included in the report.

An example graph

Again, this third line graph shows the same format of data, this time using the data from the penultimate week of the report.

An example graph

Lastly, the line graph in the last tab of charts created when this export is run shows how many appointments in the last 60 days were made and seen within 1 working day.

An example graph

DNAs By Location And Service

DNAs or Did not attend are known under different names such as FTA (failed to attend) or no shows. They can be a drain on your business which is why being able to track and analyse patterns in appointments that were not attended is crucial in discovering how to reduce them so that you can maximise your businesses' potential. 

Please see examples below of graphs that are created when the option DNAs by Location and Service is selected.

The first graph is a bar chart showing you the number of bookings that took place each day in your calendar and how many of these were no shows in comparison. This view makes it easy to see whether there are particular days of the month with higher rates of no shows than others. The green represents the total bookings and the red represents no shows.

An example graph

The next tab shows another bar chart with a weekly view of how many bookings were taken and how many of these were no shows. There is also a percentage labelled, to indicate what percentage of appointments were no shows.

 An example graph

The third bar chart shows you similar information again but in a monthly view. This is useful for looking at a broader range of data from your business.

An example graph

The next bar chart is slightly different, this shows you the total amount of bookings by the day of the week and how many no shows occurred on that particular day. This is very useful for tracking whether no shows occur more often on certain days, for example, weekends, having access to this data analysis means that you can monitor the rates of no shows.

An example graph


Here we have a line graph that shows you how your number of appointments created compares alongside your wait times for these appointments over a specific date range. Ideally, you would be looking for your bookings line to be steadily increasing and your wait times to be steadily decreasing. 

An example graph

Another line graph, this one shows weekly which location your bookings took place. Seeing this information can be useful so that you can compare whether certain premises will need more attention, more staff members, more funding, or more maintenance. It is a simple way to see how your resources can be spread to maximise your efficiency.

An example graph

This line graph allows you to see which location takes the most and least amount of no shows, again allowing you to see which areas need focus and attention, compared to others which may not receive no show rates as high, which you would be able to see from the graph. The locations are colour coded below the x-axis of the graph.

An example graph

This line graph allows you to compare how many appointments were booked daily at each location. The different coloured lines make it easy to interpret and examine where the majority of your appointments take place. 

An example graph

Another line graph shows you the wait times between an appointment being booked and how quickly the customer or patient was seen, and at which location the booking took place.

An example graph

Lastly, this graph shows you on average the time in days between the appointment being made and the actual date of the appointment, again by location.

An example graph

It is possible to gather a large amount of data from your 10to8 account which you are able to use to investigate your waiting times and no shows so that you can get a better picture of your business analytics.


Sometimes you may encounter an issue when opening the spreadsheets, for example, you may find that the graphs are blank. To resolve this, please try clicking File > Open with Google Sheets. Or alternatively, press F9 to recalculate the cells.

In other cases, you may find that the y axis has been formatted to show a date instead of a number, to fix this, please click "Edit chart" in the top right-hand corner of the graph and tick the box labelled Aggregate.

If you encounter any other issues please do reach out to our Support Team by clicking here.