To run your one-to-one appointments or classes remotely, you can easily integrate with the Zoom Video Conferencing tool and 10to8 will take care of the rest!



To configure your Zoom visit the page 'Zoom Conferencing' under 'Integrations'

Click on the Zoom card. Next, click on Connect zoom:

This will take you to the Zoom login page. Log into your Zoom account, or create one. The window below will then appear for you to grant access to 10to8:

Once you click on the Authorize button, the connection between our software and the Zoom app will be established: 

NOTE: Each staff member will have to configure their Zoom connection directly from their 10to8 login. System admins cannot manage this for their staff.

The only other step you'll need to take to get your virtual appointments fully set up is to set the location for your designed service to Online/Phone

Every time a booking is made for that service, 10to8 will generate a unique meeting link for an individual appointment or for all the attendees if you are running a class. 

The link will be visible to both staff and customers assigned to the booking. The staff can simply open the booking in their calendar and click on the Join Zoom Meeting link:

Your customers can join the virtual appointment by clicking the Join Zoom Meeting button in their confirmation email or reminder:

Zoom for recurring bookings

When creating a series of individual appointments or classes, 10to8 will generate a meeting link unique to each appointment of the series. 

Having the same meeting link for all your appointments can be possible if the  PMI  (Personal Meeting Room feature) on Zoom is enabled. But please note, this way all your bookings would be having the same meeting link with any booked customer.

How to disconnect Zoom

To uninstall or deauthorize your Zoom from 10to8, follow these steps:

1. Go to 'Zoom Conferencing' under 'Integrations'.

2. Click on Disconnect Zoom. 


To troubleshoot your Zoom issues, please visit this support guide.

Visit our Blog!

On this page, you can find all you need to know about how to make a 'good' virtual meeting happen.

For More Help

If you experience any issues or need further help with this, please do get in touch with our Support team. You can do so by clicking here.