10to8 offers a variety of tools that can help your business manage and track your customers. This guide outlines some of the ways you can manage your customer data with 10to8.

You may find that the 'Customers' Page of your account has a different name, depending on your sector. 'Patients', 'Students', 'Clients' are some of the other possible terms you may see in place of 'Customers'.


Importing Customers

With your 10to8 account, you have the ability to import a spreadsheet of existing customers, making your transition to 10to8 as smooth as possible. 

To get started, head to 'Customers' > ' Import Customers' in your 10to8 menu:

Where to find the import customers page in your navigation

You will now need to prepare a spreadsheet containing your existing customer information. The file should be in XLS/XLSX format. It must also contain the following fields:

Once your spreadsheet is ready, simply import it, using the option on the 'Import Customers' page.

click this in your account to upload your spreadsheet

Once uploaded, you will see the records under the 'Customers' page of your account. If you are seeing blank customer records with no information on them, we recommend deleting the upload and adjusting your spreadsheet - if formatted exactly like the screenshot it will import information correctly.

Exporting Customers

You may wish to export your customer data. If this is the case, our Reporting tool can do this for you. For more information, please see this guide: Advanced Data Reporting With 10to8.

It is also possible to export a single customer's data. This is extremely useful for any GDPR data requests your customers may make. 

To export a single customer's data, head to their customer record. At the bottom of their record, you will find the option to export their data, under the 'Actions' section of the page.

Merging Customer Records

Sometimes customers may enter slightly different details each time they schedule themselves on your booking page, and as a result, there may be more than one record for them. To help keep your records organised, it is possible to merge these records into one. 

To do this, start by finding the duplicate customer records. Once you have identified these, click the V arrow next to the '+ Add Customer' button:

Clicking this will show several options, including the option to Merge Customers. Click on the Merge Customers option.

Now, select the records you wish to merge. There will be a tick box for you to select them:

select the records you wish to merge

Select all that you wish to combine, and then press the 'Merge X Customers' button (X being the number of records you have selected).

This will now combine those records.

Deleting Customer Records

If you wish to remove a customer record, or if you wish to delete all records, this is also possible with your client records. 

Delete A Single Customer

To delete the record of a single customer, go to their record, and scroll to the very bottom of it. There you will find the option to delete the record. 

You can also export that single customer's information before deleting if you so wish:

The button you need to delete a customer record

Delete All Customers

If you wish to delete all customer records then click the arrow next to the '+ Add Customer' button. Here, you will find the option to delete all customer records. 

10to8 will then open a dialogue box on your browser, asking you to confirm that you wish to delete all records. Press OK, and they will be deleted from your account.

Changing Your Customers Language Preference

If you wish for your customer to receive communications in a different language to English, you can select a preference on their behalf, from their record. 

Simply search for the customers' record, and then adjust the 'Language' setting.

The language selection drop-down.

Changes are saved automatically.

Customer Tags

You may wish for an easy way to filter your customers, and our Tags feature allows for this. 

With tags in use, you can filter customers using the search bar on the 'Customers' page.

To set up a tag, head to a customer record, and look for the Tags field:

Enter the text you wish for the tag to contain, and then press Enter (or click the 'Create tag' option in the drop-down menu that appears).

If a tag already exists, it will appear in the drop-down menu for you to select. 

If you wish to remove a tag, you can click the X next to the tag to clear it from a customer's record.

For More Help

If you have encountered any issues please do get in touch with our Support Team. Click here to contact Support