When editing your Email messages, you can use tags that personalize the message for the customer and their booking. For Emails you can use these tags:

  • {{organisation_name}} - The name of your business
  • {{recipient_name}}  - The name of the person that the email is sent to
  • {{event_name}} - The name of the appointment
  • {{datetime}} - The date and time when the appointment is due to start
  • {{staff_name}}  - The names of all staff members taking the appointment
  • {{customers_names}} - The names of all customers attending the appointment
  • {{actor_name}} - The name of the person who did the action (booking, changing, cancelling) that resulted in the email being sent
  • {{manage_opt_ins_link}}  - A link to a page where you customer can manage their consent for receiving messages from you
  • {{outstanding_payment}} - Any payments that are outstanding on the appointment