When editing your Voice messages you can add specific tags, to personalize the message for your customer and their booking. You can use the following tags:
- {{datetime}} - The date and time when the appointment is due to start
- {{event_name}} - The name of the booking
- {{end_datetime}} - The date and time when the appointment is due to end
- {{old_event_datetime}} - For rebooked appointments, the date and time when the booking was due to start, before it was rebooked
- {{organisation_short_name}} - The name of your organisation, shortened for SMS
- {{organisation_number}} - Your organisation's phone number
- {{organisation_email}} - Your organisation's email address
- {{staff_name}} - The name of the staff member taking the appointment
- {{recipient_name}} - The name of the person receiving the message
- {{location_address}} - The address where the appointment will take place